Tag: War

Nations Under Attack (Part 5): Resistance

“Where there is power, there is resistance.”

Michel Foucault.

Part 1 of this series argues that elites aggressively seek to acquire and control resources and power—primarily for their own personal enrichment. Part 2 outlines how the Western elites enact this agenda against nations that are targeted for resource pillage and inclusion within the broader sphere of Western influence for ongoing power projection and exploitation. Part 3 deals with narrative as a tool of war. Part 4 provides an overview of the common propaganda narratives used against key targets of the empire.

Part 5 provides an overview of how target nations have sought to counter the various methods of disruption and conquest used by the US War Machine. This article deals with state actions and responses that are or can be credibly construed as being designed to preserve the territorial, economic and social integrity of a state in the face of unfriendly actions using methods drawn from the US War Machine’s toolkit.

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